Rabbi Gavriel Friedman (Rav Gav) is one of the most beloved and entertaining speakers in the Jewish world. Known for his incredible wisdom and wit, Rav Gav has inspired thousands with his powerful messages of hope and meaning and his trademark humor.
In this special episode, Rav Gav joins Aryeh to share the Jewish secret to happiness, bliss, and tranquility. Happiness is Attainable.
Parsha Inspiration: Receive brief inspiration and a beautiful Dvar Torah to share at your Shabbos table email info@parshaknowledge.com or visit parshaknowledge.com.
Ohr Olam: An Incredible Hebrew-English Mishnah Berurah
that's changing the world! Get a copy at your local Jewish bookstore or their
website www.ohr-olam.org.
Watch Rav Gav's son's story from Meaningful Minute: • Meaningful Minute Feb 23, 2020, Brook...
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