Shmili Landau - Purim Mix 2025 | שמילי לאנדא - פורים מיקס תשפ"ה
Song List:
Vurka - Avrum Mordche Schwartz
Lama - Beri Weber
Chabad Niggun Toshev Enosh
Lomir Tertzeilin - Ahrele Samet, Dovy Meisels
M'ein Olam Haba - Sruly Green
V'shumri Viznitz
Bunim Lamukoim - Yidi Bialostozky
Mi Lahashem Elay - Pini Einhorn
Kein Yehi Ratzon - Simcha Leiner
Kol Haneshama - Yaakov Shwekey
Nakdishach - Lipa Schmeltzer
V'hueir Eineini - Lipa Schmeltzer, Shaya Gross
Ashreini - Shlezky
Ach Tov - Chaim Horowitz
RokedLi - Itzik Dadya
Fire - Shmueli Ungar
Aifo? - Matt Dubb, Beri Weber
Lev Nishbar - Yoely Greenfeld
Savri Maranan
Yaamoid - Shmulik Klein
Hut Bitachon - Lipa Schmeltzer
Or Layeudim - Chaim Shlomo Mayesz
Di Heiliger Bashefer Vet Helfen - Avrum Mordche Schwartz
Be Happy - DJ Farbreng & Beryl, Shmeryl
Hut Zich Mir Geloint - Avrum Mordche Schwartz
L'shem Yichud - Yaakov Shwekey, Matt Dubb
Sheal Mimeni - Nussi Rubin
Poiel - Lipa Schmeltzer
Shanah Tova - Shmili Landau, Chaim Horowitz
Kudoish Atu - Lipa Schmeltzer
Yishtabach Shemo
Shalom Aleichem - Motty Weiss
Thanks to my brother Moshe Landau and
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Bookings: +1 929-352-1227