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Rebbi, I Want To Learn! | Moshe Auslander | TYH Nation |

It might sound like a cliche, but in essence, it's the opposite- the most authentic, sincere, true cry of all.

"Rebbi, I want to learn!", the perpetual chorus of Purim- its the secret that comes out when wine comes in, the desperate yearning of young men to be more, to climb higher, to reach further.

Rebbi, I want to learn - the song of hidden ga'aguim: even if the choices a person makes during the year don't always make it clear, on Purim, when a Yid speaks the truth, it is obvious- that's all he really wants.

Rebbi, I want to learn, the innate desire of a neshamah- and this is the niggun that expresses that perpetual hope.

By Jews, saying is also believing: singing is believing! The more you sing it, the truer it becomes.

This Purim, bring forth the truth within you.

This niggun is presented liluy nishmas a dear friend, Chaim Tzvi ben Rav Elya Nota- Chatzi Katz.

Chatzi was known for the sweetness of his song, but his voice was never sweeter than when he was singing for bochurim, and with bochurim. He understood them, able to express their hopes and celebrate their triumphs, and that's why he was so beloved in the halls of yeshivos.

May this niggun, and the message it carries, be a zechus for his pure neshamah.

In addition, this niggun is dedicated specifically to our bochurim. When the going gets rough (and it does) know this: every Yid truly, truly wants to learn. Our Bochurim of every “stripe, type and color” are our past, present and future, and today more than ever are spreading light to the world, by simply showing up, trying, wanting, and trying again. Thank You Hashem for our Bochurim!

And of course to our Rebbeim the world over, who put in the time, love and energy to hear our talmidim, to guide our talmidim, and help reveal their fiery neshamos. Day in and day out, heeding the call of our talmidim who may “look so cold, but inside a fire burns!”

Proudly featuring the heilige bochurim of Yeshiva Mesikus Hatorah, Roshei Yeshiva: Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Privalsky and Rabbi Yehoshua Blumstein.

Thank you Reb Chaim Weiss and the 24Six family for all they do for our boys and for Jewish Music!

Thank you to the Neuberger family!

Thank you to all the Chevra who joined to make this avoida so Heilig!

TYH Music / Farbrengable Studios / Mendy Portnoy

Performed by: Moshe Auslander

Lyrics by Yisroel Besser

Written by Blumstein Brothers

Produced & Arranged by: Mendy Portnoy

Guitars: Noam "Hargol" Burg

Mixed : Yaron Safer and Mendy Portnoy

Mastered by: Yaron Safer

Video Produced, Filmed and Edited: Motty Berkowitz

Video Concept: Mendy Portnoy

Directed by Motty Berkowitz & Mendy Portnoy

Production Manager: Moshe Leib Gross

Main Bochur Actor: Yosef Shapiro

Party Planner: Yossi Pfeifer

Special Thank You to R'Yehoshua Blumstein, Rabbi Privalsky and Yeshiva Mesikus HaTorah , Roosevelt Yeshiva and the Neuberger Family

Thank you to Moish the Askan, KC Grill, TYH Hoodies in general, Mordechai Hatzaddik, Esther Hamalka, and of course, Thank You Hashem !

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