Building a new home for the undisputed new home of Torah
What if I told you there was a cheder in Monsey where boys from 2nd and 3rd grade can recite entire parshas, and even entire seforim from Tenach, like seasoned ba’alei koreh and talmidei chachomim?
What if I told you that in this cheder 10 and 11 year olds can be tested on entire Sidrei Mishnayos, and boys still under bar mitzvah have mastered multiple mesechtos in Shas by heart?
What if I told you that this remarkable institution is only two years old, yet it already serves 350 talmidim — and counting?
The cheder that has achieved what many doubters deemed impossible is, of course, Ohr HaTorah, a new shining light in the world of chinuch.
The name Ohr HaTorah is oh-so appropriate for an institution committed to ensuring that the fire of Torah is instilled in the hearts of our boys and that the light of Torah continues to guide its ways.
Founded by a group of parents who refused to watch their childrens’ best years wasted on inefficient learning methods, the cheder set out to follow a system developed in Israel, one that has demonstrated incredible results.
What started as an ambitious idea quickly turned into a chinuch powerhouse, displaying true transformational power in the lives of its talmidim.
For such an undertaking, growing pains are inevitable. But that hasn’t stopped parents and administrators from growing and advancing on its vital mission.
Because the Ohr of Torah must always shine on!
Today, the quick-expanding cheder finds itself situated in a small space, completely unsuited for its mission or its boys.
A new home is needed. And urgently.
A suitable property has been located and acquired, but to get the construction started in earnest requires the support of the community.
That is why Ohr HaTorah parents are turning to you today with a plea:
Please help us power the future of Torah and the future of our children!
The zechus of supporting the Torah of young children is tremendous. Imagine how much greater it is when one stands up for a Torah revolution of this scope.
Thank you — on behalf of our children, on behalf of our cheder, and on behalf of the Torah itself!