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L’Mikdoshech - Levi Yitzchok Cohen ft Yossi Shick | למקדשך - לוי יצחק כהן מארח יוסי שיק

🕎 Happy Chanukah, let me present this newest heartwarming release “L’Mikdoshech”

A song to warm the heart, at a time like this, a light in the darkness, composed at the Tarnow Ghetto, Poland, who could ever forget our Eternal redemption that's so near.

Who could ever forget to ask again and again for what we've been waiting for, for so many years. The secret to the final salvation lies in song, prayer and unity. So let us sing together, let's bring it home, let the holiest of holy return, L'Mikdoshech Tuv.

🙏 Join Us in Celebration:


Composed by: Levi Yitzchok Cohen

Produced by: Yossi Shick Label

Arranged & Mixed by: Motti Cohen

Drums: Amir Aharon

Guitar: Omri Shai

Strings Recorded by: David Taub

The Israeli Philharmonic Group

Choir by: Shmulik Goldstein

Vocals recorded @ Yanky Cohen Studios, Jerusalem - Avrumi Lunger @ Chein Studios, New Square

Mastered by: Ravid Kashti

Cover Design: Avrumy Silberstein /


Many Thanks to Shimmy Einhorn, Mordche Fligman, Menachem Bernstein, Zishe Surkis, Yanky Steinmetz, Avrumi Lunger.


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