Beri Weber featuring Shaya Gross, The Edgware Group, & the Shevach Boys Choir
This Rosh Hashanah, as we vocally crowned Hashem “המלך,” it marked a renewal for our souls, reaffirming His reign as the king of the world. On Yom Kippur, concluding our day of prayer, our collective voices thundered “השם מלך השם מלך השם ימלוך לעולם ועד,” embodying a sense of spiritual cleanliness and soulful rejuvenation. During Sukkos, our לולב moved in every direction, a physical manifestation of our deep-seated belief in Hashem's eternal kingship, surrounded by a palpable sense of love.
However, on October 7th, שמחת תורה brought a pivotal moment that resonated deeply within us. Faced with uncertainty on how to proceed - spiritually, emotionally, and physically - we sought guidance from friends, the wise, and our leaders. Amidst diverse opinions, one profound truth stood clear: The king, who determines “מי יחיה ומי ימות,” guides our path forward. This realization grows stronger with time; the king of the world is indeed the ultimate decision-maker, and we rely on His mercy. It's essential, therefore, to recognize and reveal His sovereignty. להתוודע ולהגלות כי הוא מלך על כל הארץ. Singing this song, we embrace and complete this journey of acknowledgment.
Lyric Video Created By:
Flash of Design @flashofdesignelianathalhei9258
Sung by Beri Weber featuring Shaya Gross in the intro
Composition: Hershy Weinberger & Shaya Gross
Music Production & Mixing: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Vocal Production: Gershy Schwarcz @EdgwareStudio & Eli Klein
Kids Choir: Yossi Glick of Shevach
The Edgware Group:
Gershy Schwarcz (Director & Composer of bridge)
Ari Weinberg (Manager)
Duvid Schwarcz
Isaac Gluck
Yossi Fulop
Beri Weber Management - NR Management | 845-537-5743
Beri Weber Music Management - Whatsapp | 845-671-1775
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#BeriWeber #Shayagross #ShevachBoys #YitzyBErry #EliKlein #EliKlein&YitzyBerry #EdgwareGroup #GershySchwarcz #AbiselStatus #EdgwareStudios #Emuna #Bitachon #AriSamet #GWlighting #ShiraChoir #KMY #LazerBerkowitz #LipaSchmeltzer #Trump #Biden #ShmuleiUngar #KalmySchwartz #ShloimyGertner #HershyWeinberger #ChaimBlumenfeld #ZemirosChoir #FreidaVisel #Portuguisepie #Lazersheiner #Zusha #ShloimyZions #MichoelSchnitzler #Zaltz #Stamar #Chabad #Skver #Putin #SlavaUkreine #EDM #DanceMusic #Rap #Techno #Sidetrance #YoinesenSchwartz #London #Abisel #MeilechKohn #nissimblack #mrbeast #babyshark #LucktionProduction