Enjoy the latest song released by Simcha Leiner featuring the poignant moments under the Tallis during Birchas Kohanim!
Filmed on location at PremierX Toms River - 732.523.1161
Song composed and produced by: @shuasorscher
Video produced by: @MottyBerkowitz
Project Manager & 1st AC - Moshe Leib Gross
And in Bnei Shalom Waterbury CT.
Guitarist in the video - Shloime Baumwolspiner
Song is available to stream everywhere - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/sim...
יחסי ציבור ותקשורת: נתי בדש
PR israel: Natibadash | +972525991137 | natibadashpr@gmail.com
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