Experience a Kumzitz performance done to perfection and delivered with Hartz by Talented young star Duvid Feder.
Duvid with his sweet voice performs some of the most beautiful melodies, some new gems, and some precious oldies originally sung by legends of our History.
Keep your eyes wide open while enjoying this incredible collection and mix of heart & soulful songs as Duvid brings you into an amazing vibe of energy and full of happiness, when one moment later he catches your heart with stunning chores.
Jump onto the trip and ride along on this 15 minute musical journey called "Duvid's Hartz"!
Thanks to Yanky Landau, Lipa Brauner, Shloime Scharf, Zisha'le Surkis, Usher Yona Horowitz, Yoeli Leifer, Shabsi Parnes, Yossi Glantz, and to all that participated in this beautiful project this wouldn't happen without you'll.
An extra special thanks to my dear friend Avrumy Lunger, thank you Avrumy for putting in and adding your musical sense to every aspect of this production, we truly see it.
- Duvid Feder
Produced & Directed by: The @Yossi Shick Label .
Music Arranged by: Yanky Landau - Fire Band.
Choir's Recorded by: Yanky Braun - Yanky Steinmetz @ EQ Studios.
Post Production by: Avrumy Lunger @ Chein Studios.
Mix & Vocal Production by: Gershy Schwarcz @ Edgware Studios.
Filmed & Edited by: MUDEO Productions.
Live Sound by: Cheski Levy's Mishloach Manos.
Thumbnail Design by: ArrangeIt.Media / Yanky Heller.
PR & Marketing by: ArrangeIt.Media / Motty Klein @Music On Time .
For Booking Info Please Call: 845.422.2832 Follow Duvid Feder on Instagram: https://instagram.com/duvid_feder?utm...