An acapella single from the upcoming TYH Acapella album ”Healing Melodies” sung by Shloime Kaufman.
R’ Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov teaches that Shabbos Chazon is the most profound Shabbos of the year. When a Jew truly engages in the avodah of the Three Weeks, they can genuinely experience a vision of the Third Beis HaMikdash in all its glory and splendor.
Chazon Chazon, I can see it now, The Third Beis Hamikdosh is standing proud.
TYH Nation Presents
Chazon - חזון (Acapella)
Shloime Kaufman
TYH Music / Mendy Portnoy / Farbrengable Studios
Arranged by Mordy Weinstein & Mendy Portnoy
Vocals Recorded by Yehuda Pinsker at Farbrengable Studios