Camp Chavivim present their summer 2025 music video, Tov Li by Baruch Levine.
Camp Chavivim is a sleep away camp for young men and children with Down Syndrome. The camp provides a full summer experience for the campers, including a learning program, wide range of activities, and trips. It is a division of Yeshiva Bonim Lamokom.
Yeshiva Bonim Lamokom is a Yeshiva for boys with Down Syndrome, located in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. It offers a full yiddish curriculum, including gemara, mishnayos, chumash, yahadus, kriah, pirush hamilim, halacha, etc. It also has a full English curriculum which includes math, science, reading, spelling, social studies and daily living and social skills. Yeshiva Bonim Lamokom also offers a Day Hab, comhab and respite programs.
Instagram: @campchavivim
Song Composed and sung by Baruch Levine
Video by Liel Shalom productions